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Dog and Cat Boarding Services

Are you needing a place for your pet to hang out for a few hours, a day or perhaps a week or so…? Let us know your needs and we can certainly help find a cozy spot for your pet. All the dogs are individually hand walked on the premises and the food is included in the boarding costs. If your pet is on a special diet for any reason or should you simply prefer they continue to be served their own food, simply bring it with you along with any special treats you may want your pet to have during their stay.

girl walking dog

Long-Term Boarding
Vacations are great, but to pet owners they usually come with a grain of salt: parting with your best pal, even for a week, can be stressful. At Adorable Animal, we've created a friendly boarding kennel to give your cat or dog a home while you're away.

Take a look at our photo gallery to see our welcoming space or talk to our groomers about the facility.

Pet Grooming is Our Passion-Over the years, my incredible staff of which Julie Legault, Sandra Lemire and Angela Hudon have been with me…
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